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JIS K6259標準簡介
JIS K6259是關于《硫化橡膠和熱塑性橡膠 耐臭氧性能測定》的測試方法。以下為部分英文標準原文,出于版權保護,如需JIS K6259標準全文或JIS K6259中文版本標準,請垂詢客服人員。
1 Scope
This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the testing methods t o measure the resistance to ozone cracking for vulcanized rubber.
Remarks 1 The standards cited in this Standard are listed as follows:
JIS K 6200 Glossary of terms used in rubber industry
JIS K 6250 General rules of physical testing methods for rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic
JIS K 6251 Tensile testing methods for vulcanized rubber
JIS K 8001 General rule for test methods of reagents
JIS K 8637 Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate
JIS K 8913 Potassium iodide
JIS K 9007 Potassium dihydrogenphosphate
JIS K 9019 Disodium hydrogenphosphate 12-water
2 The International Standards corresponding to this Standard are listed as follows:
IS0 1431-1:1989 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Resistance to ozone cracking - Part 1 :Static strain test
ISOIDIS 1431-2:1992 Rubber, vulcanized - Resistance to ozone cracking - Part 2 :Dynamic strain test
3 The units and numerical values given in ( 1 in this Standard are based on the traditional units, and are standard values. However,traditional units becomes an informative reference on and afterApril Ist, 1995.
2 Definitions
For the purposes of this Standard, the definitions given in JIS K 6200 and the following definitions apply.
(1)critical strain The maximum tensile strain, which has no cracking, given when test piece has been exposed in specified ozone-concentrated atmosphere at specified temperature for specified duration.
(2)limiting strain The maximum tensile strain given when the duration needed for cracking on a test piece is very long, and when the occurring time of its cracking cannot be forecasted.
(3)static ozone-crackingtest When a test piece, under a static tensile strain,is exposed in the air containing an artificially prepared low concentrated ozone,the test to evaluate the condition of cracking, the duration needed to make cracking, or the maximum tensile strain by which no cracking takes place.
(4)dynamic ozone-cracking test When a test piece is exposed in the air containing an artificially prepared low concentrated ozone while dynamic tensile strain is applying on the test piece, the test to evaluate the condition of cracking and the duration by which cracking takes place